
Health Benefits

Almonds By: Organic Facts

Good for your brain: Almonds are a source of many nutrients which help in the development and health of the human brain. Almonds have been connected to a higher intellectual level and they have long been considered an essential food item for growing children. Many mothers give almonds soaked in water to their children every morning. Two or three pieces of soaked almonds are good enough, and you can also remove the outer shell if it causes allergy to you, as the majority of the nutrients are not held in the shell.

Regulation of cholesterol: Regular consumption of almonds helps to increase the level of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and they reduce the level of low density lipoproteins (LDL). This balance is vital to a healthy cholesterol level, and a reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol) is always a good thing.

Good for your heart: The mono-saturated fats, protein and potassium contained in almonds are all instrumental in heart health. Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant and also reduces the risk of heart diseases, while the presence of magnesium in almonds can help avoid heart attacks. Almonds help reduce the presence and impact of C-reactive protein which causes artery-damaging inflammation. Almonds are also a great source of folic acid. Therefore, they help to reduce the level of homocysteine, which causes fatty plaque buildup in arteries.

Skin care: The benefits of almonds in regards to skin health are well known, and almond oil massages are often recommended for newborn babies. Almond milk is also added to some soaps, because of almonds well-established reputation of improving the complexion of skin.

Regulation of blood pressure: The potassium present in almonds helps to regulates blood pressure, and almonds are very low in sodium helps control fluctuating blood pressure.

Prevention of cancer: Almonds improve the movement of food through the colon, thereby preventing build-up and subsequent colon cancer.

Protection against diabetes: Almonds also help to reduce the reactionary rise in glucose and insulin levels after meals. This modulation offers protection from diabetes.

Good in pregnancy: Almonds contain folic acid, which helps reduce the incidence of birth defects in newborn babies.

Weight loss: Unsweetened almond milk can be used if you are attempting to lose weight. The mono-saturated fat contained in almonds satisfies appetite and prevents over-eating. Studies have revealed that an almond-rich, low calorie diet is good for obese people to assist in shedding the weight.

Prevention of constipation: Almonds are rich in fiber, and like most other fiber-rich foods, almonds help prevent constipation. However, it is also important to drink a significant amount of water when eating almonds to speed up the digestive process and beneficial effects of the nut
Boosts energy: The presence of manganese, copper and Riboflavin in almonds helps in energy production and metabolic rate.

People can even reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s disease by consuming almonds. However, just like almost any other food, almonds have their downside. They do contain oxalates, and excessive oxalates can cause crystallization, which can lead to a host of different issues.  People that have kidney or gallbladder problems should avoid eating almonds.

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